Monday, 22 February 2016

Never Give Up

Today was my first day without bread in a very long time. I actually can't remember the last time I didn't have bread for a day, which is actually very sad if I think about it. Never realized until now how dependent I was on one piece of food, which isn't good for me in any way. I did have moments today were I thought about eating a little bit of bread, but I just couldn't allow myself. There was no way I would allow myself to give in so easily. I am very proud of myself to have made it through today without eating bread.

For lunch today I made myself a little salad. I used lettuce, tomato, cucumber and tuna. I'm not a huge fan of sauces on a salad so I didn't use any. I keep forgetting to take photos of the things I write about here each day, but hopefully tomorrow will go beter and I will have lots of photos for you! 

What did you use today to replace the food you're giving up? Hope it was delicious! 

Other than trying my best not to eat bread today, I opened an Instagram account for myself today. I'm not very sure how it works yet, but the idea behind being able to freely share the photos I take with everyone just seems amazing to me. As soon as I know how it works I will be sure to add it to my blog. I really want to learn more about all the social media platforms there is, though being 50 I do struggle a bit getting the hang of things, but I won't let that stop me from trying to use them! 

Light and Love
Annelie Jordaan

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